Our Opportunities Programme provides collaborative and creative ways for people experiencing homelessness to take an active part, to learn, share and grow.
We offer a diverse and engaging range of social, therapeutic, and skills-based activity and group work. This so often serves as a turning point for people, building on their strengths and talents and enabling positive life experiences, healthy relationships and a renewed sense of hope, confidence and possibility.
The Programme uses arts, eco-therapy including gardening, music, sport, psychological therapies and an ever-evolving range of social and cultural activities co-produced with people living in and using SHP services.
Visit the Opportunities Programme website
Soundhouse brings artists and creatives who have experienced homelessness or social exclusion together with professional musicians and producers to create new and original music and media. Read more
Our Sport Project has proven that by introducing regular physical activity into the lives of those at risk of or experiencing homelessness, we can dramatically improve their quality of life. Read more
Art can change lives. It's a powerful therapeutic tool and taking part in creative activities in a safe and supportive environment is the starting point for many of our clients’ recovery journeys. Read more
Everyone knows gardening keeps you fit, but spending quality time in the garden can also have enormous benefits for mental wellbeing, personal development and recovery. Read more