Every young person needs a place to call home and the right support and opportunities so that they can flourish and achieve their potential.

We work in partnership with local authorities across London to address the needs of young people through a mix of community-based and accommodation-based services in Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Islington, Lewisham and Greenwich.

We work with young people facing a range of challenges. Some have experienced family breakdown, abuse or domestic violence, and may not have had positive relationships or role models. Many are leaving care. 

We have 226 bed spaces for young people and, in 2019-20, our accommodation services supported 432 young people who were either homeless or leaving care. Provision ranges from high support to semi-independent living.

Meanwhile, our community-based floating support services support young people where they may be placed or living. These services provide assistance to young people who may be vulnerable or at risk of homelessness, so that they can build and maintain their wellbeing and independence.

As well as accommodation and housing-related support, all of your young people’s services work to equip clients with the core skills needed to live on their own, either now or in the future - from how to budget and cook to managing bills and tenancies.

Meeting a range of needs

In recent years the complexity of support needs among vulnerable young people has been on the rise.  Three young people in every UK classroom will develop a mental health problem while still at school. Young people, particularly those from less advantaged backgrounds, can often face stigma and may be exposed to issues such as knife crime and gang violence. 

Our flexible wrap around support model is designed to meet all levels of need, from short term interventions and housing-related support to supporting young people with complex needs, poor mental health and substance use.  Our longer term work provides support to young people for anything up to two years and includes identifying routes for move on so that clients can take their final steps to independence.

I’m in a much better place now mentally. I want to help others to do the same. When I’m established in my career, I want to mentor young people who have had similar experiences to me. I’ve learnt so much and want to share that with others. 

Read Chie's Story

Just as young people’s needs may change, so our support services need to be agile and adaptable. Providing personalised support packages for those placed with us on a ‘spot purchase’ basis allows us to adapt our support to individuals as and when required. The needs of a young person still affected by the consequences of previous trauma may fluctuate at any time, and we need to be able to respond flexibly if the client is to continue to benefit from the service. This flexibility is valued by local authorities, who may not have suitable provision available ‘in-borough’ at the time it is needed.

We have opened several spot-purchased accommodation services for young people, which supports young people who are ready to step down from high support services into semi-independent living.

Supporting young people to flourish

Our services offer choices and opportunities to young people at a critical time in their lives. As well as providing a safe and secure environment, we focus on supporting young people to explore and build on their strengths, developing trusting relationships, self belief, life skills and vocational skills, and a sense of hope for the future.

Around half of young people who are referred to us are not in education, employment or training. We provide a comprehensive range of support tailored to their individual needs, including access to our Youth Focused Opportunities Programme, which offers everything from music workshops to arts education and residential trips. This in turn can open the door to college courses, apprenticeships and employment. Ultimately our approach is all about ensuring that young people have the skills and confidence to make meaningful choices and shape their own futures.

With this comprehensive range of support tailored to their individual needs, in 2019-20 173 young people in our services reached a stage where they can move on to independent or semi-independent living.