Fulfilling Lives in Islington and CamdenFulfilling Lives in Islington & Camden (FLIC) has now closed its doors. However, all of our news, learnings and reports can be found here, and our clients' voices and films can be found here. FLIC was an eight-year Lottery funded learning programme, designed to support people experiencing multiple disadvantage and affect system change to improve the experience and outcomes for people accessing services. Too often the voices of people experiencing multiple disadvantage aren't heard. Putting clients at the centre of everything we do was key to our work. Our support service was intensive, trauma-informed and led by the experiences and insights of our clients. We worked in partnership with statutory and voluntary agencies across both boroughs to improve services for people with multiple needs and drive systemic change, influencing how services are designed and delivered. If you have any questions, please email Lucy Campbell ([email protected]), SHP's head of Multiple Disadvantage Transformation. Home Our action plan Our work with clients Voices Learning and resources News Misunderstood and Overlooked webinar: Addressing leg ulceration as a physical health need for people experiencing homelessness People experiencing multiple disadvantage are dying and suffering avoidable severe long term physical health problems because they are struggling to access mainstream health services. Due to a lack of timely and appropriate interventions, these problems are compounded over many years, resulting in deteriorating health and the need for costly acute care and crisis care. In 2019-20 FLIC and CHIP worked together delivering two projects that piloted targeted health interventions with homeless (or ex-homeless) people with significant unmet health needs. One project delivered a nurse-in-reach role across the Camden hostels pathways and the other delivered specialist wound-care interventions. On Thursday 18th March we shared learnings and insights from our wound care pilot. Below you'll find a recording of the event including; An introduction from Rt Hon Ann Clwyd, a former MP for the constituency of Cynon Valley for 35 years. In a short film Ian shared the impact and stigma of living a life with leg ulcer, and Dr Jemell Geraghty shared her experience of working in this area. Homeless health care specialist and Clinical Lead Homeless Health at NHS North Central London CCG, Dr Jasmin Malik demonstrated the need for specialist wound care, and the risk to human life and cost to the public purse if we don't get it right. Assistant Director Integrated Commissioning Debra Holt explored how Camden CCG and the local authority have responded to the health needs of people experiencing homelessness. Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon, Mr Lukla Biasi advocated for the need to address stigma when treating people experiencing homelessness. Tissue Viability Nurse and King's College Lecturer, Dr Jemell Geraghty share learnings and recommendations from our pilot, and our hopes for the future. And finally, the panel answered some of the audience's pressing questions. Download the report on our wound care pilot in Camden here. This is not the end. There is still lots of work that needs to be done around wound care and promoting it as a commissioned service. Lots of pressing and important questions came out of the session, questions that currently divide opinion and require more than a sentence or two, so we are processing these and thinking about how we can address them appropriately. If you do have any pressing questions, you can contact Nurse Consultant Tissue Viability, Dr Jemell Geraghty - jemell@vascularwoundcare.com If you'd like to keep up to date with our latest news, pilots and findings, you can follow us on Twitter or sign-up to our newsletter.