News & stories Real stories Mitchell's story After his relationship broke down, Mitchell fell into street homelessness in 2019. He had left school at an early age and had no education to fall back on. There was nowhere to turn, and he didn’t know how to ask for help. Luckily, Mitchell came to us through the Government's "Everyone in" programme over the pandemic. "Single Homeless Project has given me a life. Now that I have a place to call home and a roof over my head, I have the bases to rebuild something meaningful out of my life." Having his own space is important to Mitchell. After spending several years on the streets and in shared accommodation, he was supported into his own flat at the end of 2021 with the help of his caseworker, Simon. "This house feels like a million pounds; it's a foundation for which I'm so thankful. Having come from nothing and waking up and living in carparks, it feels like a palace to me.” With a roof over his head, Simon’s support, and the company of Charlie, his new dog, Mitchell is eager to go back to work. “I’m looking forward to working again, it’s something I’ve done from a young age. With my love for cooking, I hope to find something related. I know it’s going to be hard, but if I can overcome homelessness, I can do anything”. Despite the challenges, Mitchell wants to use his experiences to educate young people on the importance of school, something he wishes he could’ve had. “Knowing the opportunities that I have missed I think it’s so important to use my experience to guide younger people. You should make the most of the opportunities given to you in school because they won't come around again.” Mitchell is supported by the Havering Navigator Service. The service was set up in 2020 and supports 21 clients, both men and women with complex needs. Navigators work closely with clients, assessing their needs and offering the right support and housing.